1 cent per cup can save your coffee. And the farmer who grows it.

Imagine coffee farming that helps heal the planet - a natural revolution where nature, farmers, and businesses thrive through climate-positive methods. For just 1 cent per cup, you make it happen.

Traditional coffee farming depletes soil and biodiversity. We help farmers switch to agroforestry, restoring nature, capturing CO2, and reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides, while creating new income sources and better livelihoods.

1 Cent Per Cup

The 1 cent extra from your cup of coffee supports the activities of GrowGrounds, an agrotech company working with coffee cooperatives, farmers, coffee companies and consumers all over the world to bring coffee back to its natural and healthy growth environment: The forest! Converting unhealthy and unsustainable monoculture farming to carbon-capturing, nature-friendly agroforestry. That’s what that 1 cent per cup is all about.

Make a difference

Just 1 cent extra makes it a good cup of coffee. In so many ways. Want to contribute? Or just learn more? Get in touch!